Connects you directly to Police, EMS and Fire
800 273 8255
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
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888 774 2900
CT Safe Connect Hotline
Connects you directly to Police, EMS and Fire
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
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CT Safe Connect Hotline
Kids In Crisis
24 / 7
New Canaan Recovery Corps
24 / 7
The SAMHSA National Helpline aka, the Treatment Referral Routing Service, provides 24-hour free and confidential treatment referral and information about mental and/or substance use disorders, prevention, and recovery in English and Spanish.
The SAMHSA treatment locators find services and treatment programs for: Behavioral Health Treatment Services, Buprenorphrine Practioner & Treatment Programs, Disaster Distress, Early Serious Mental Illness Treatment, Opioid Treatment Programs, and Substance Use Treatment, Suicide Prevention, and Veteran’s Crisis.
Review questions regarding your emotional well being. It is likely that you need support, or someone you know needs support. We all need support to become better versions of ourselves.